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Old Testament Survey

Time Line of the Old Testament

  • Creation 8,000-6,000 B.C.
  • There are at least 1400 years between Adam and the flood, based on the genealogies of Genesis 5.
  • Noah and the Flood  5,000-3,500 B.C.
  • Abraham’s birth  2,166 B.C
  • Abraham called to Canaan  2.091 B.C
  • Isaac born  2,066 B.C.
  • Jacob born  2,006 B.C.
  • Abraham dies  1991 B.C.
  • Joseph born 1915 B.C.
  • Joseph sold into slavery  1898 B.C.
  • Isaac dies 1886 B.C.
  • Jacob moves family to Egypt  1876 B.C.
  • Jacob Dies -- 1859 B.C.
  • Joseph dies  1805 B.C.
  • Egypt enslaves Israel 1730 B.C.
  • Moses born 1527 B.C.
  • Moses flees to Midian 1487 B.C.
  • The Exodus  1446 B.C.
  • Law given at Mt. Sinai  1445 B.C.
  • Wilderness wandering ends  1406 B.C.
  • Conquest of Canaan begins  1405 B.C.
  • Joshua leads Israel  1405-1380 B.C.
  • Dividing of the land  1398 B.C.
  • Joshua dies 1380 B.C.
  • Period of the Judges 1380-1050 B.C.
  • Othniel is Judge 1370 B.C.
  • Ehud is judge 1310 B.C
  • Deborah is judge  1230 B.C.
  • Philistines occupy the Palestinian coast  1200 B.C.
  • Gideon is judge  1190 B.C.
  • Samson is judge 1100 B.C.
  • Saul is king 1050 B.C.
  • David anointed by Samuel  1020/18 B.C.
  • David king at Hebron 1010 B.C.
  • David king over all  1003 B.C.
  • David & Bathsheba  990 B.C.
  • David dies, Solomon king  970 B.C.
  • Solomon dies 931 B.C.
  • Kingdom divided  931 B.C.
  • Jeroboam I reigns in Israel, Rehoboam reigns in Judah 931 B.C.
  • Abijah reigns in Judah  913 B.C.
  • Asa reigns in Judah  911 B.C.
  • Nadab reigns in Israel 910 B.C.
  • Baasha reigns in Israel 909 B.C.
  • Elah reigns in Israel 886 B.C.
  • Zimri reigns in Israel 885 B.C.
  • Omri reigns in Israel 885 B.C.
  • Ahab reigns in Israel  874 B.C.
  • Jehoshaphat reigns in Judah  872 B.C.
  • Elijah the prophet 870 B.C.
  • Ahaziah reigns in Israel 853 B.C
  •  Jehoram reigns in Judah 853 B.C.
  • Joram (Jehoram) reigns in Israel 852 B.C.
  • Athaliah reigns in Judah 841 B.C.
  • Jehu reigns in Israel 841 B.C.
  • Obadiah the prophet 840 B.C.
  • Elijah to heaven, Elisha the prophet  850 B.C.Ahaziah reigns in Judah 841 B.C.
  • Joash reigns in Judah 835 B.C.
  • Joel the prophet  835 B.C.
  • Jehoahaz reigns in Israel 814 B.C.
  • Jehoash reigns in Israel 798 B.C.
  • Amaziah reigns in Judah 796 B.C.
  • Jeroboam II reigns in Israel 793 B.C.
  • Azariah (Uzziah) reigns in Judah 790 B.C.
  • Jonah the prophet 780 B.C.
  • Amos the prophet 765 B.C.
  • Isaiah the prophet 760 B.C.
  • Hosea the prophet 755 B.C.
  • Zechariah reigns in Israel 753 B.C.
  • Shallum reigns in Israel 752 B.C.
  • Menahem reigns in Israel 752 B.C.
  • Jotham reigns in Judah 750 B.C.
  • Pekahiah reigns in Israel 742 B.C.
  • Micah the prophet 740 B.C.
  • Pekah reigns in Israel 740 B.C.
  • Ahaz reigns in Judah  735 B.C.
  • Hoshea reigns in Israel 732 B.C.
  • Israel into captivity in Assyria 722/21 B.C.
  • Hezekiah reigns in Judah 715 B.C.
  • Manasseh reigns in Judah 695 B.C.
  • Amon reigns in Judah 642 B.C.
  • Josiah’s reign in Judah 640 B.C.
  • Nahum the prophet 630 B.C.
  • Zephaniah the prophet 625 B.C.
  • Jehoahaz reigns in Judah 609 B.C
  • .Jehoiakim reigns in Judah 609 B.C.
  • Habakkuk the prophet 609/6 B.C.
  • Jeremiah the prophet 609 B.C.
  • 1st group of captives to Babylon 605 B.C.
  • Daniel to captivity  605 B.C.
  • Jehoiachin reigns in Judah 598 B.C.
  • Zedekiah reigns in Judah 597 B.C.
  • 2nd group of captives to Babylon 597 B.C.
  • Final captivity 587/6 B.C.
  • Daniel & Ezekiel act as prophets 586 B.C..
  • Cyrus reigns in Persia 559 B.C.
  • Cyrus conquers Babylon 539 B.C.
  • First Jews return  538 B.C.
  • Temple construction begins  536 B.C.
  • Darius reigns  521 B.C.
  • Haggai & Zechariah  520 B.C.
  • Temple finished 515 B.C.
  • .Esther 486-465 B.C.
  • Ezra - 458 B.C.
  • Nehemiah 444 B.C.
  • Malachi’s ministry 400 B.C.
  • “400 years of silence”
  • Antiochus Epiphanes offers pigs on the altar of the Temple, the “abomination of desolation” Dan 8:13, 168 B.C.
  • Maccabees capture Jerusalem from and rededicated the Temple (Hanachuk) 166 B.C.
  • Herod the Great rules in Palestine 40 B.C.
  • John the Baptist born 6/5 B.C.
  • Jesus is born 6/5 B.C.




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