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The Bible


Jeremiah 36:23-24
23 And it happened, when Jehudi had read three or four columns, that the king cut it with the scribe's knife and cast it into the fire that was on the hearth, until all the scroll was consumed in the fire that was on the hearth. 24 Yet they were not afraid, nor did they tear their garments, the king nor any of his servants who heard all these words.

So what are presuppositions?

These are the underlying rules or views which we hold about God's Word. They influence our view of the origin, authority, and purpose of the Bible. I believe a correct list of presuppositions would look like this:

Understand, however, that this last presupposition does not mean that unsaved man will never understand any of the Bible. Man, being created in God's image, is intelligent. Many good studies of the language, cultural, and historical perspectives of ancient times come from the unsaved. These are all useful in arriving at a proper interpretation of some aspects of the Scriptures.

Likewise, the Holy Spirit will use the Word of God to draw men to Christ so that the salvation message may be heard and understood. In this sense three instruments exist which are used to bring the unbeliever to Christ. They are the Gospel message, the Holy Spirit, and the Testimony of believers.

The goal of hermeneutics is to find the meaning the biblical writers "meant" to communicate at the time of the communication, at least to the extent that those intentions are recoverable in the texts they produced.

Yet the Bible through the illumination of the Holy Spirit will still "speak" to the individual today, not with new revelation knowledge from or about God, but with a practical application of spiritual knowledge in the life of the individual.




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