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Surveys are an overview of a "topic."  The most common surveys are those of the Old and New Testaments.  These cover each book discussing the contents of the book.  If you were to attend seminary, you would also probably take an "Introduction" course to the two Testaments as well.  Such a course discusses topics such as authorship, textual issues, and the like. In reality, most Surveys contain material formerly included in Introductions, while most Introductions contain matters from Survey courses.  Both tend to also provide some commentary. 

We are pleased to offer several survey courses used in teaching church groups.  Along with presenting the full surveys offered for online viewing in HTML format, these materials also exist as either Word documents or as PDF files and are downloadable for your use here. There are also a limited number of other lessons available for downloading at the same location (Christmas, Prophecy, etc.) .

The current surveys include:

Cults and World Religions

New Testament Survey

Old Testament Survey

Church History


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